Hostel Management System

You can maintain multiple hostels, hostel wise students, fee collection, deposit and refund of security amount.

We offers you the the Hostel management solutions which has fix to all your problems related to hostel management, And Hostel management system module includes many features like fee collection, room allotment, room management as categorization of rooms, daily attendance register of hostel and hostel reports.

It is used for managing the hostel information. It manages the student information, room information, room allocation details, fee details, mess bill details and students details of the hostel. It is also used to generate reports of student details, fee details and mess bill details of the student. It keeps track of the number of student in the room and availability of the room. It helps organization from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the mess bills of the students.

Room Rate management

This module which displays room fee records. Student dues status and balance amount status can be accessed here. This module also used to renew students room rent every semester.

Agreement management

User friendly UI, one by one step to help staff to create rental agreement. Base on selected pricing package and optional services, system will auto calculate billing details and generate rental agreement in PDF format, and user can manage agreement’s details such like add discount, new payment and change room (able to auto calculate new rate, if change to different room category).

Report generation module

Report generation is also provided to view summarized detail regarding hostel fees and mess bill. It includes Hostel fees, Mess Inventory reports. Customize reports as per customer’s requirement.